Doing what? You know if you want a job you've got to be a member of a union. Anchorman: No, what I mean is why do you feel you have to steal for money? Couldn't you get a job? Sonny: Uh, no. Sonny: I'm robbing a bank because they got money here. Moretti: Will you get the fuck back there?! Get back there, will ya?! Sonny: What's he doin'? Go back there man! He wants to kill me so bad, he can taste it! Huh? Attica! Attica! Attica!! Attica!! Attica!! Attica!! Attica!! Attica!! Attica!! Attica! Sonny: Attica!! Attica!! Remember Attica?! Note: the line in bold ranked #86 in the American Film Institute's list of the top 100 movie quotations in American cinema. Moretti: Will you get back there?! Sonny: What are you movin' in there for?! Det. Moretti: Now you don't have to be calling me pig for. Sonny: I don't wanna talk to some flunky pig tryin' to calm me, man. Sonny: No games, alright? Use the other one. Sonny: No alarms! No alarms! Mulvaney: Okay. I'm a Catholic, and I don't want to hurt anybody, understand? Mulvaney: Yes, sir. Since June he's been trying to kill me.ĭialogue Sonny: Hey, wait a minute, what are you trying to do? Trip the alarm? Use the spare key? Mulvaney: It must have been on my mind. Maria's Boyfriend: He's got my girl in there! Maria!.I'm a fuck-up and I'm an outcast! If you get near me you're gonna get it- you're gonna get fucked over and fucked out!.You know I can call anybody, they'd put it on the phone? The Pope, an astronaut, the wisest of the wise.I can't control it, Sal - let 'em say what they want.

That's all they're interested in - it's a freak show to them.Alright, it's the FBI, so nobody give your real name.