The name Sun Tzu is an honorific which means “Master Sun.” Name: His birth name was Sun Wu, and he was known outside of his family by his courtesy name Changqing.Born: Sun Tzu was born in about 544 BC, in Qi or Wu, Zhou Kingdom.Interesting Facts and Insights about Sun Tzu and The Art of War “The Art of War” is divided into 13 chapters as follows: Military and political leaders such as China’s communist leader Mao Zedong, Japan’s daimyō Takeda Shingen, Vietnamese general Võ Nguyên Giáp, and American military general Norman Schwarzkopf Jr. A British officer in 1905 first attempted a partial translation into English under the title “The Book of War.” The book was translated into French and published in 1772. It remains the most influential strategy text in East Asian warfare and has influenced both Eastern and Western military thinking, business tactics, and legal strategy. “The Art of War” writings were formalized as the “Seven Military Classics” by Emperor Shenzong of Song in 1080. Each chapter is devoted to an aspect of warfare and how it applies to military strategy and tactics. The work is attributed to the ancient Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu. “The Art of War” is a book that describes military and competitive strategy and tactics dating from about 5th century BC. Sun Tzu’s Big Ideas in his “The Art of War” continue to influence many competitive situations in the world, including culture, politics, business, and sports, as well as modern warfare. During the twentieth century, “The Art of War” has grown in popularity and application in Western society as well. Sun Tzu’s work has been employed in East Asian warfare since its composition. Sun Tzu is revered in Chinese and Asian culture as a legendary strategic political and military figure. Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War” focuses on the strategies for battle, such as deception, delay, the use of spies and alternatives to war itself, the making and keeping of alliances, the uses of deceit and a willingness to submit, temporarily, to more powerful enemies. Sun Tzu is credited as the author of “The Art of War,” an influential work of military strategy that has significantly affected Western and East Asian philosophy and military thinking. Sun Tzu (544 BC – 496 BC) was a Chinese general, military strategist, writer, and philosopher who lived in ancient China. Leadership and Management Advice Quotes by Sun Tzu.